1 |
Yishai Feldman |
Java Puzzlers (additional sources: more Still more ) |
2 |
Amiram Yehudai |
3 |
15 November 2005 |
Yishai Feldman |
Java Puzzlers - continue |
4 |
Alex Romanov |
5 |
Benny Pasternak |
6 |
Shmuel Tyszberowicz |
Model Driven Architectures |
7 |
Avi Jencmen |
8 |
David Faitelson, |
MDA done right -- automatic code generation from models |
9 |
Shay Litvak |
SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) |
10 |
Alex Freidin |
11 |
Alex Freidin |
Specifying and Checking Method Call Sequences in JML |
12 |
31 January
2006 |
Yishai Feldman |
The Apprentice Approach to Automatic Programming |