Join Tensors: on 3D-to-3D alignment of Dynamic Sets
Lior Wolf Amnon Shashua
and Yoni Wexler
School of Computer Science and Engineering, Center for Automation Research
The Hebrew University, University
of Maryland
Jerusalem 91904, Israel College park MD
This paper introduces a family of 4x4x4 tensors,
referred to as ``join tensors'' or Jtensors for short, which perform
``3D to 3D'' alignment between coordinate systems of sets of
dynamic 3D points. 3D Configurations of points are obtained by a 3D
measuring device (such as a structured light or laser range sensor, or
a stereo rig) at times $t_1,t_2,t_3$ from different viewing positions
in addition to the motion of the sensor the points are also allowed to
move in space; each point can move along an arbitrary straight-line path
--- we refer to this situation as ``dynamic''. The problem is to
recover the motion of the sensor given the 3D correspondences of the
points over time.
We introduce Jtensors to capture the problem described above. Three
observations $P,P',P''$ of a point measured at three time instants
contribute a linear measurement to the Jtensor, regardless of whether
the point has moved in space or has remained stationary while the
sensor has changed position.