Fall 2001, Tel Aviv University

Lecturer: Uri Zwick
Time: Tuesdays, 10:00-13:00
Place: Dan David 111

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The course will cover approximation algorithms for NP-hard optimization problems. Among the problems considered: metric TSP, set cover, vertex cover, bin packing, routing problems, constraint satisfaction problems such as MAX CUT and MAX SAT, coloring 3-colorable graphs, multi-cuts and multiway cuts and network design problems.

Some (Old) Scribe notes

Lectue 1
Lectue 2
Lectue 3

Coloring 3-colorable graphs

Some exercises

Hebrew exercises (Word 2000)
Same Hebrew exercises (RTF)

Take home exams

Exam (2000)

Lecture notes on Approximation Algorithms

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  • Monographs Chapters in Books Books

    Dorit S. Hochbaum (Editor)
    Approximation Algorithms for NP-hard problems
    PWS Publishing Company, 1997

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