Yehuda Afek's home page
Blavatnik School of Computer Sciences
Tel-Aviv University,
Ramat Aviv,
Tel-Aviv 69978
email: afek at tauex tau ac il
Phone: +972-3-640-8952.
Looking for excellent full-time or part-time graduate research students
I am looking for excellent full-time or part-time graduate students to research cutting edge topics in
networking and cyber security.
Specific Topics:
Theory of Distributed Computing (unrelated to cyber security)
Internet of Things: Security and Performance aspects
Attack Resilient and Efficient DNS infrastructure
An AI-based Graphics Anti-Phishing Platform for zero-day Phishing Campaigns detection
Please email me if you are interested in these or related topics.
My research interests span from distributed systems to tightly coupled multiprocessors. In
particular, I am interested in the theoretical study of asynchrony and its effects in systems (both
shared memory and message passing based), in concurrent programming (concurrent data structures and
transactional memory), and in networking (network security, protecting against denial of service
attacks and routing). I often examine synchronization and coordination problems in these areas using
tools and models from theoretical computer science and related disciplines.
Teaching HA
Short Bio
I received a B.A. degree from the Technion in Electrical Engineering in 1978, and
M.Sc and Ph.D. degrees from University of California Los-Angeles (UCLA) in 1983 and 1985
respectively, both in Computer Science. I was a Member of Technical Staff at AT&T
Bell-Labs from 1985 to 1989. In 1989 I joined the computer science department at
Tel-Aviv University. I was a consultant for AT&T research labs from 1989 to 2000.
In 2001 I founded
Riverhead Networks together with Anat bremler-Barr, Dan
Touitou, and Yuval Rachmilevitch. Riverhead Networks is the only company to
have succeeded in providing a solution to the
problem of
Distributed Denial of Service attacks
on the Internet. The Riverhead Guard, our flag product, protects thousands of sites
(including some from fortune-5, and many from fortune-500), keeping them up and running
despite massive multi Gbps attacks over long periods of time.
Riverhead was acquired by Cisco in 2004,
after which I remained a director in Cisco
until May of 2009. I have since then returned to a full time professorship position at Tel-Aviv
University. 2014 -- 2016 Head of the Blavatnik School of Computer Science Tel-Aviv University.
Some publications
Some of my papers.
DISC 2013,
The 27th International Symposium on Distributed Computing
DDoS / Riverhead related talks
NANOG-23 Conference
Oakland, California,
"Diversion and Sieving Techniques to Defeat DDoS", October 22, 2001.
RIPE-41 Conference Amsterdam 1/2002, DDOS
Tutorial [PDF - 2.2MB], with Hank Nussbacher
NANOG-28 Conference Salt Lake City, Utah,
"MPLS-Based Synchronous Traffic Shunt", June 3, 2003.
Israeli Networking Seminars
Bike and other routes
Related favorite links
Famouse ARRETJE cake .
Useful links
For more information or comments send to:
afek at tau ac il