Class in Introduction
to Cryptography-
Following the Strike:
Please look at the book by
Bellare and Goldwasser.
Take Home Exam
- The take home exam in Cryptography will be given on Wednesday, July 11, 16:00, meeting in room 006.
- An alternate date will be Wednesday Aug. 1.
- The first round is due Sunday, July 15, to be given to Larisa Naydich-Eshed in room 213 by 14:59. The 2nd round is due Sunday, August 5th, time and place as before.
- If you are either religious or have
kids to deal with, add a statement to this effect, sign it,
and hand in the project 24 hours past the above deadline.
In preparation for the exam, please look at the following papers:
- On Forward-Secure Storage, Stefan Dziembowski
- One way trapdoor functions are ... Private Information Retrieval, Eyal Kushilevitz and Rafail Ostrovsky
- Fast Algorithms for the Free Riders Problem in
Broadcast Encryption, Zulfikar Ramzan1 and David P. Woodruff
- Rational Secure Computation and Ideal Mechanism Design,
Sergei Izmalkov, Silvio Micali, Matt Lepinski
- Rationality and Adversarial Behavior
in Multi-Party Computation, Anna Lysyanskaya and Nikos Triandopoulos
- Distributed Computing Meets Game Theory:
Robust Mechanisms for Rational Secret Sharing and
Multiparty Computation,
Ittai Abraham, Danny Dolev, Rica Gonen, Joe Halpern
- Priced Oblivious Transfer: How to sell Digital Goods,
Bill Aiello, and Yuval Ishai, and Omer Riengold
- Rational
Secret Sharing and Multiparty Computation: Extended Abstract, Joseph Halpern
and Vanessa Teague
- On Electronic Voting Schemes, Ivan Damgard (Survey)
- A Secure and Private Clarke Tax Voting Protocol without
Trusted Authorities, Changjie Wang and Ho-fung Leung
- Verifiable Mixing (Shuffling) of ElGamal Pairs, C. Andrew Neff
Every pariticapant will get up to 4 questions on the day of the exam, not necessarily identical questions. The answer of any of these 4 questions
is not to exceed one page in readable printed font, 12pt.
Question number 1, which may or may not contribute to the final grade, is
as follows:
What are the interconnections between the various papers above? What date/conference
did this paper first appear and where? Who cites what? (Search the net). Define and determine primitives used in multiple papers. How do
they interelate? 2 page answer, max.