School of Computer Science
Learning and Neural Computation
Semester I, 1999-0,
Wednesday 9-12, Dan David 211
The course will be given in English!
Submission of the project till Thursday, Feb 24 8pm
Presentation of the project in Mid March.
Updated April 10, 2000
This page will be updated throughout the course.
Please send me an email with a list of 19 numbers between zero and one
which represent your prediction regarding each pattern.
Please indicate the architecture and parameters used to get these values.
The course is intended for third-year and Master students.
The first part of
the course will deal with classical topics in computational learning
theory and neural network learning. The second part will be geared
more towards applications. In this part, students will apply the
acquired methods on some Seismic Data Classification and few
other real-world problems. Part of the course will therefore be
devoted to topics related to detection in time-series and acoustic
signals. This
will be done by Dr. Manfred Joswig who is visiting this year and is a
world expert on Seismic Data Analysis.
Suggested Reading
Course Outline
Some background and notation from Statistics
- Curse of Dimensionality and Over-Fitting
- Estimation via MSE and Maximum Likelihood
- Linear regression: Numerical estimation problems
- Bayes Theorem: Prior & Posterior probabilities.
- Class Boundaries
- Topics from Non-paramteric statistics
Learning goals: Introduction to the Entropy
Additional material:
- Maximization of number of possible configurations
- Minimization of averaged bit length
- Motivation from learning and model estimation
- Error functions
- Parameter Optimization
- Maximum likelihood
- Infomax
Single Layer Perceptrons
- Probabilistic interpretation of Perceptron outputs
- Perceptron learning rule
Multi-layer perceptrons
- Introduction to Seismology
- Feature extraction
- Some properties of Principal components
- General properties of other orthonormal bases
Information theory, Projection pursuit and neuronal coding
- Feature extraction by minimization of entropy
- Mutual information from MDL perspective
- Search for non-Gaussian distributions
- Skewness, Kurtosis, BCM rule
- Some approximations to the entropy
- Independent components analysis
- Model complexity via MDL
(Hinton's paper)
- Short discussion about matlab (Project presentation)
Radial Basis Functions
- Description of the EM algorithm and its application to RBF.
- ORR's code
- Visualization software
- Linear Multi-Dimensional scaling
- Non-linear MDS via Neural Networks.
- Parallel coordinates
- Hard and soft clustering
- Mahalanobis clustering
- Prediction confidence
The bias/variance problem & ensemble of experts
- Self Organizing maps and Recurrent networks
- Network Ensembles
Description of the final
The purpose of the final this year is to develop expertise in using
regularization constraints during training to reduce the chance of
over-fitting. We shall thus train with different bias
constraints using the general framework of
Intrator (1993).
In addition we shall master the use of object preprocessing and
ensemble training and
prediction confidence as essential tools for a practical neural
network expert system.
We shall be using the following preprocessing methods:
- Principal components
- Dimensionality reduction via entropy constraints
- K-means Clustering
- Your choice.
The following training constraints:
- Reconstruction constraint
- Kurtosis constraint
- BCM constraint
- Minimal entropy constraint
- Maximal entropy constraint
- Mixture of Gaussians constraint
- Your choice
The following network architectures and training algorithms
- Orr's Radial Basis Function code.
- Bishop's Radial Basis Function code.
- Neural networks toolbox back-prop code with Levenberg-Marquardt
- Neural networks toolbox RBF code.
- Your choice.
The following prediction-confidence methods:
- Variance between different experts weighted by their past performance.
- Weighted reconstruction error.
- Your choice.
Description of the data, and past projects (from which code can be
taken) can be found here.
You will need to supply three functions:
- [preproc, netarch] = findarch(train_data, train_label, options)
This function finds an optimal preprocessing and a set of architectures
with their corresponding parameters which are best for the given
training data. This function calls internally to findpreproc
- [processed, preproc] = findpreproc(train_data, train_label,
procoptsions, preproc)
This function has two
tasks. First it finds an optimal preprocessing and second, it
generates the pre-processed data. If preproc is
supplied, the program runs the data through the preprocessing
methodology which should be completely kept in
- [label_pred, confidence] =
netpred(data, preproc, netarch, options)
This function performs the preprocessing on the given data based on
the preprocessing scheme that was chosen by findarch and is stored in
preproc and then prediction of the class labels based on the
architectures that were found by findarch and are stored in
netarch. Note that if a collection of several experts is found
by findarch, then the algorithm for fusing the experts should
also be stored in netarch to be used by netpred.
You should suggest a way to calculate the confidence and justify in
your written report why this confidence method is useful.
Each function should print once on the screen the names of the
students and a short description of the methods that are used, the
type of preprocessing and the architectures that are found.
In the prediction code, again, the names should be displayed as well as the type
of expert fusion and the method to calculate the confidence.
There should also be a clear description of the possible options to
the functions and default values (which were found optimal) in case
options are not chosen.
All other functions should be internal to the above three
You are allowed to use code written by last year's projects or code
taken from the web as long as you clearly state it at the beggining
of the code, insert it into your own code, make sure that you
understand what the code is doing and the code has good documentation.
Project submission
There should be an HTML page describing the project and having a link
to the functions. It should include the following:
- Clear description of the type of algorithms
that were used and the way optimal architectures were chosen.
- Clear justification based on what was learned in the
course for your decisions. (This can include graphs.)
- Clear description and justification of how the confidence is
In the code itself, there should be a help file similar to those
found in matlab code with clear description of the structure of your
variables (the net architectures, the options and the preprocessing
methods and parameters).
Project presentation is scheduled to Tuesday February 8, 2000 at 9am.
Specific-group tasks
- Project:
- Preprocessing: clustering and your choice.
- Training constraints: Kurtosis and your choice.
- Architecture and code: RBF with Orr and Back-prop with LM.
- Confidence: Reconstruction and your choice.
- Data: Sonl and Sono.
- Project:
- Preprocessing: Minimal entropy and clustering.
- Training constraints: BCM and Kurtosis.
- Architecture and code: Back-prop with LM.
- Confidence: Variance and your choice.
- Data: Sono and wvlet.
- Project
- Preprocessing: Maximal entropy and clustering.
- Training constraints: Reconstruction and minimal entropy.
- Architecture and code: RBF with Orr and Bishop.
- Confidence: Variance and your choice.
- Data: Sonl and psd.
- Project
- Preprocessing: Clustering and your choice.
- Training constraints: Reconstruction and Kurtosis
- Architecture and code: RBF with Bishop.
- Confidence: Reconstruction and your choice.
- Data: Sonl and wvlet
- Project
- Preprocessing: clustering and your choice.
- Training constraints: BCM and Kurtosis.
- Architecture and code: RBF with Orr.
- Confidence: Reconstruction and your choice.
- Data: Sonl and Sono.
Data Sets
Analog Data
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Copyright © 1997-1999 Nathan Intrator. All rights reserved.