Tel Aviv University School of Computer Science

Haplotyping resources and references

(an incomplete and biased list)

Ron Shamir

Phasing a single block

Clark's Method

 Clark(1990) + Gusfield (JCB 2001)

PPH via Graph Realization

Gusfield (RECOMB 02)

PPH - a direct approach

Bafna et al. (2003), Eskin et al. (RECOMB 2003)

EM approach

Excoffier (MBE 1995)

MCMC apprach

Stephens (AJHG 2001) Niu

Block Parititioning

Dynamic  Programming

Zhang et al. (PNAS 2002), (RECOMB 03)

Min. Description Length approach

Koivisto et al (PSB 2003)

Min. Description Length approach

Anderson and Novembre (AJHG 2003)

Min Common Haplotypes, Stratification

Kimmel et. al (WABI 2003)

Phasing and Block Partitioning


Greenspan and Geiger (RECOMB 2003)


Kimmel and Shamir (2003)

Other Problems

Linkage disequilibrium and recombination
Hudson (Handbook 2001)

Tag SNPs without blocks

Bafna et al. (RECOMB 2003)

Haplotypes from frequencies

Pe'er-Beckmann (RECOMB 2003)

Haplotypes from pedigrees

Li and Jiang

Haplotypes and parsimony


Reviews and Background Material

Software and tools

rshamir AT