Aviv University – School of Computer Science Workshop
- Fall 2020 Computational analysis of medical
genomic data סדנה
חישובי של
מידע רפואי
Prof. Ron Shamir TA:
Nimrod Rappoport |
years after the first sequencing of a human genome, advanced technologies now
make it possible to sequence hundreds of thousands of genomes per year, and
to measure tens of thousands of molecular parameters on cell groups. These
technologies make it possible to characterize a variety of diseases, as well
as to design and match drugs to them. Since each experiment that uses these
technologies measures a large number of parameters, and the experiments are
performed on a large number of patients, there is a need for algorithms that
can analyze the huge datasets while taking into account their unique
characteristics. In this
workshop we will develop and use algorithms for the analysis of molecular
data from a large number of cancer patients. The workshop projects will use a
combination of machine learning methods and statistics. No prior
biological knowledge is required, as the relevant background will be given in
the first lectures in the workshop. Priority will be given to bioinformatics students in the first enrollment stage. Logistics: The
project will be done in groups of two or at most three students. There will
be several introductory meetings and one final meeting of all participants.
All other activities will be by interaction between individual groups and the
instructors, with ad-hoc meetings set as needed. Schedule: (Tuesdays 4-6; details
are tentative) 20/10, 27/10, 3/11, and possibly 10/11:
lectures presenting the project and providing the necessary background Individual meetings for each group: 1.
24/11/20 : Milestone 1 – Initial
project plan 2.
15/12/20 : Milestone 2 –
Progress status - Initial results 3.
12/1/21 : Milestone 3 – Progress
update Project final report and software to be submitted by 28/2/21 Joint final meeting for all students: 4.
2/3/21 – Final
project presentations. Additional course information and data will be
provided on Moodle. |