Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - 0368.3151.01
Text book:
Artificial Intelligence: A modern Approach by Stuart Russell and
Peter Norvig, Prentice Hall, 1995 (seven copies of this book will be available
in the library of exact sciences).
Course syllabus:
After a brief introduction, the course will be composed of three main parts:
1. Problem-solving: searching methods, informed search, heuristic functions,
min-max algorithm, alpha-beta pruning, game playing.
2. Reasoning with uncertainty: Bayesian deduction, belief networks,
expert systems, fuzzy logic, utility theory, dominance, decision networks,
sequential decision problems, value iteration, policy iteration, dynamic
decision networks.
3. Learning: inductive learning, decision trees, learning logical descriptions,
computational learning theory, neural networks, perceptrons, multi-layered
networks, learning in belief networks, reinforcement learning, temporal
difference learning, genetic algorithms and evolutionary computing, knowledge
in learning.
Last updated August, 1998