CS Colloquium, 2006 - 2007

Meets on Sundays, 11:15-12:15, at Schreiber 309.

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Fall Semester:

Date Guest Title
22.10 Shimon Ullman, Weizmann inst. Object classification, recognition, and segmentation.
29.10 Eldar Fischer, Technion Graph testing through the regularity lemma and beyond
5.11 Elie Bienenstock, Brown The Committed Complex Cell: a model of natural vision with possible applications to computer vision.
12.11 Hovav Shacham, Weizmann inst. On the Effectiveness of Address-Space Randomization.
19.11 Shai Avidan, MERL Tracking with Classifiers
26.11 Wolfgang Reisig, Humboldt - U zu Berlin Service oriented architectures: Modeling- and Analysis Techniques
3.12 Irig Gat, TAU Computational reconstruction of molecular networks
10.12 Eran Halperin, Berkeley Disease association studies - algorithms and applications.
24.12 Moshe Babaioff, UC Berkeley Selfish Agents and Approximation Mechanisms .
26.12 Raanan Fattal, UC Berkeley Special session; noon, Schreiber 309; topic: Non-Linear Image Filtering.
31.12 Alon Rosen , Harvard Input-Indistinguishable Computation
7.1 Shie Mannor , Mcgill Dynamic Decision Making under Parameter Uncertainty
14.1 Michal Feldman, the Hebrew U Selfishness and Incentives in Networked Systems
21.1 Danny Harnik, Technion The Randomized Iterate and Pseudorandom Generators from Exponential Hardness
28.1 Ran Canetti, IBM Watson Security and Composition of Cryptographic Protocols

Spring Semester:

Date Guest Title
25.2 Reuven Y. Rubinstein, Technion A Generic Minimum Cross-Entropy Algorithm for Counting the Number of Satisfiability Assignments
11.3 Ittai Abraham, the Hebrew University Distributed Computing Meets Game Theory: upper and lower bounds for mediator implementation with cheap talk.
18.3 Ori Shalev, TAU Techniques for Building Highly Concurrent Data Structures
25.3 Shai Shalev-Shwartz Convex Repeated Games, Regret, and Duality
15.4 Daniel Lehmann, The Hebrew U A presentation of Quantum Logic based on an "and then" connective
22.4 Partial overlap with Memorial day ceremony -
29.4 Chen Avin, Ben Gurion University Enhancing Random Walks Efficiency
6.5 No meeting this week Midrasha Matematica @HUJI. "Graphs, Polytopes and Convexity" (whole week)
13.5 Gill Barequet, Technion A new lower bound on Klarner's constant
20.5 Avi Wigderson, Inst. of advanced studies The art of reduction
27.5 Adi Shamir, Weizmann Inst. New Cryptanalytic Techniques in Multivariate Cryptography
3.6 Yuval Ishai, Technion Zero-Knowledge from Secure Multiparty Computation
10.6 Linda Kaufman, William Paterson U Implementing the Retraction Algorithm for factoring symmetric banded matrices
17.6 Elad Verbin, Tel Aviv University Text-Compression using the Burrows-Wheeler Transform
24.6 Andrei Sharf, Tel Aviv University Surface Reconstruction Techniques for Imperfect Raw-Data

Previous years

This page is maintained by Lior Wolf.