February-June 2014, Tel Aviv University
Lecturer: Uri Zwick

Exam: Thursday, June 19, 2014

List of subjects

Minimum Spanning Trees

·         Basic properties: the blue and red rules

·         Classical algorithms: Kruskal, Prim, Boruvka 

·         The randomized linear time algorithm of Karger, Klein and Tarjan

Lecture notes


Minimum Directed Spanning Trees

·         Edmonds' cycle contraction algorithm

·         Tarjan's implementation

Lecture notes 

Some slides 

Solution to selected exercises 

Global minimum cuts

·         The deterministic algorithm of Stoer and Wagner

·         The randomized algorithms of Karger and Stein 

Lecture notes

Problem Set

Link to the Karger-Stein paper

Motwani & Raghavan: Randomized Algorithms, pages 289-295.

Dynamic All-Pairs Shortest Paths

·         The algorithm of Demetrescu and Italiano

Some slides 


Problem Set

Link to the Demetrescu-Italiano paper

Maximum Matchings in Bipartite and General Graphs

Lecture notes (including exercises)


Weighted Maximum Matchings in Bipartite and General Graphs


Past exams

Exam 2009/2010a
Exam 2009/2010b

Exam 2010/2011a
Exam 2010/2011b

Exam 2013