Scribe notes of the course
Boolean Circuit Complexity
Fall Semester 1994/5

The scribe notes of the course are still not in the state I would
like them to be. They are unlikely to change however in the near future.
I hope that even in the present form the notes can be of help to those
looking for an introduction to circuit complexity. (March 22, 1995)

Lecture 1
- Basic concepts
- Post's theorem
- Shannon's counting argument
- Lecture 2
- Lupanov's construction
- Linear lower bounds on circuit size
- Lecture 3
- Simulation of Turing machines by circuits
- The complexity of arithmetical operations
- Lecture 4
- The relation between circuit depth and formula size
- The lower bound of Neciporuk
- Lecture 5
- The lower bound of Khrapchenko
- Shrinkage of de Morgan formulae under restriction
- The lower bound of Subbotovskaya
- The lower bound of Andreev
- Lecture 7
- Probabilistic circuits
- Lower bounds on monotone circuit size:
The method of approximations (Razborov's method)
- Lecture 8
- The method of approximations (continued)
- Lower bound for `is there a triangle?'
- Exponential lower bounds for clique functions
- Lecture 9
- Monotone versus non-monotone complexity
- Slice functions
- Depth and Communicaion complexity
- Lecture 10
- Lower bounds on Communication complexity
- A lower bound on the monotone depth of matching
- Lecture 11
- Bounded depth unbounded fanin circuits
- The representation of Boolean functions as integer polynomials
- Lecture 12
- Exponential lower bounds for parity
- The representation of Boolean functions as polynomials modulo 3
- Take-home exam