ssh to udocker


Run for installations

Change password

Rerun and ssh


For any problem with containers, especially about installations, please check udocker manual or contact us here

Create a container



udocker pull ubuntu:20.10

udocker create --name=ssh-container ubuntu:20.10

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Run for installations


udocker setup --execmode=P2 ssh-container

udocker run --containerauth ssh-container


Inside the container, install

export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive

apt update && apt upgrade -y

apt install nano less git wget build-essential python3.8 python3.8-dev vim -y

apt install libssl-dev dropbear

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Change password


passwd root

Give a password as you wish - keep it for connecting afterwards. before the next step, exit the container:



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Rerun and ssh

Rerun with an open port:

udocker run --hostauth --publish=4444:2222 --volume=/usr/local:/mnt/local ssh-container

dropbear -E -R -a -p 2222 -P ./dbearPID

ssh to the container:

From *outside* the container, you can now ssh to the container: 

ssh root@<container-host-machine> -p 4444
Enter the password you chose and you will get into the container.

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