Speaker: Rachel Tzoref-Brill
Title: Differencing and Visualization Techniques for Combinatorial Models
test design (CTD) is an effective test design technique, considered to
be a testing best practice. CTD provides automatic test plan
generation, but it requires a manual definition of the test space
in the form of a combinatorial model, consisting of parameters, their
respective values, and constraints on value combinations. As the system
under test evolves, e.g., due to iterative development processes and
bug fixing, so does the test space, and thus, in the context of CTD,
evolution translates into frequent manual model definition updates.
Manually reasoning about the differences between versions of real-world
models following such updates is infeasible due to their complexity and
size. Moreover, representing the differences is challenging.
In this talk we will describe two different technologies for better comprehension of combinatorial models and their evolution.
we propose a syntactic and semantic differencing technique for
combinatorial models. We define a canonical representation for
differences between two models, and suggest a scalable algorithm for
automatically computing it. We further use our differencing technique
to analyze the evolution of 42 real-world industrial models. As part of the analysis we identify6 change
patterns that occur in combinatorial models evolution. The analysis
provides evidence for the potential usefulness of our differencing
the second part of the talk, we will describe and demonstrate three
techniques for visualizing combinatorial models and the test plans
derived from them. The three techniques are based on graphs, tables,
and treemaps, and are used to visualize different aspects of the models
and test plans, such as the relationships between the parameters and
the constraints, the relationships between the tests in the derived
test plan, the degree of uniqueness of each test, the degree of
legality of each parameter combination, and its degree of coverage in a
derived test plan. All visualization techniques were implemented in IBM
Functional Coverage Unified Solution (IBM FOCUS), an
industrial-strength CTD tool.
Joint work with Aya Chayat, Shiri Ladelsky, and Shahar Maoz.