Speaker: Barak Cohen

Title: On semantically configurable analysis of modeling languages


Modeling languages can play a significant role in all aspects of the software development lifecycle, including, e.g., design, specification, code generation, and verification. However, variations in the semantics of many modeling languages, as used in different contexts and for different purposes, lead to ambiguities, misunderstandings, and lack of interoperability between tools. We explore an approach for capturing the commonality and variability in modeling languages’ semantics using concepts from the field of Software Product Lines (SPLs) --- based on feature models, and review work by Maoz et al (MODELS 2011) on semantically configurable

consistency analysis for class and object diagrams. Finally, we suggest describing the variability in the semantics of live sequence charts (LSCs) using a feature model and leveraging it to a semantically configurable analysis of LSCs.