Speaker: David Faitelson, Afeka Tel Aviv Academic College of Engineering

Conjectures and Refutations of Computer Programs

How can we know that a program is correct? this is a basic and fundamental question that faces every programmer. Yet even though the theory of program correctness is well understood, in practice it has had little effect on programmers. Indeed, most programmers are even ignorant of its existence. This is unfortunate because as we all know only too well, software today is as buggy as it ever was.

An essential ingredient of the traditional approach to program correctness is the concept of proof. However proof is a double-edged sword. On the one hand it is powerful, as those that use it to write programs, consistently produce high quality code that is orders of magnitude more reliable than traditional code. But on the other hand it requires a great deal of mathematical sophistication and rote work. Attempts to automate proof have not solved this problem. As we all know proof cannot be completely automated. Thus when an automatic theorem prover fails, we don't know if this is because the theorem is wrong or because the prover is not powerful enough. Another argument against proof is that while it is essential for the development of the theories that are used by all traditional engineers, no engineer is expected to derive proofs as part of his or her job. 

I would like to have my cake and eat it too. I would like to keep most of the power of the proof based approach but to avoid the need to actually perform the proofs. In order to do that I am willing to leave the high ground of absolute mathematical certainty and descend into the lower (but still effective) plane of scientific knowledge as it was defined by the philosopher Karl Popper. Briefly, Popper argued that we can never be certain that a scientific theory is correct, we can only refute it by showing an example in which its predictions are wrong. A theory is good according to Popper if it offers a way to refute itself. According to this point of view the assertions that we provide in an attempt to prove a program, form an excellent theory because it is easy to refute by finding an assignment of state variables that falsifies the assertions.

In the last year I have been developing Refute --- a system for generating high quality algorithmic programs --- and recently it has reached a point where it is possible to use it to construct non trivial algorithms. 

The essential idea of refute is to find bugs, not in the program but in the program's proof of correctness. Thus, the engineer writes the assertions that he believes show why the program is correct and the system tries to refute his assertions by looking for counter-examples that demonstrate why it is wrong. Of course, if the system doesn't find any counter-examples we cannot deduce that the program is correct, but under some reasonable assumptions we can increase our confidence in the program's correctness. 

Refute consists of a language, an analyser and a compiler. The language combines the imperative language described by Dijkstra in his book "a method of programming"  (but extended to support procedures, dynamic allocation and records) with the relational language of the Alloy analyzer. In addition, the language includes constructs for specifying preconditions, postconditions and loop invariants. These constructs define a proof of correctness for each procedure, namely that if the parameters of the procedure satisfy the precondition then the procedure's body will terminate and satisfy its postcondition. The analyzer is a fully automatic tool that checks the proof by verifying that it holds in a finite scope. If it doesn't, the analyser displays a counter-example. The compiler translates the language into a variety of popular programming languages including C, C++, Java and C#. 

In this talk I will demonstrate Refute and argue why the particular approach that I have chosen is more effective than existing systems that share a similar purpose.
Amiram Yehudai