Speaker: Hila Cohen

A Probabilistic Framework for Estimating Log Completeness with regard to Dynamic Specification Mining Algorithms


Dynamic specification mining extracts candidate specifications from logs of execution
traces. Existing algorithms differ in the kinds of traces they take as input and in the
kinds of candidate specification they present as output. The more traces we see, the more
we may be confident that the extracted specifications faithfully characterize the program
under investigation. However, producing and analyzing traces is costly, so how would we
know we have seen enough traces? And, how would we know we have not wasted resources
and seen too many of them?
We address these important questions by presenting a novel, black box,
probabilistic framework based on a notion of log completeness, and by applying it to
three different well known specification mining algorithms from the literature: k-Tails,
Synoptic, and mining of scenario-based triggers and effects. Extensive evaluation shows
the soundness, generalizability, and usefulness of the framework and its contribution to the
state-of-the-art in dynamic specification mining.

Joint work with Shahar Maoz. Summary of MSc Thesis results.  Part of this work has been
presented at ASE'14.  Project's website: http://smlab.cs.tau.ac.il/logcompleteness/