Logic for CS - Spring 2008
Lecturer: Prof. Arnon Avron, reception hour: Wednesday 9-10, Shreiber 111
TA: Anna Zamansky, mailbox: 253, reception hour: Tuesday 12-13, please email me in advance!
HW checker: Dina Bilchinsky, mailbox: 378, please submit late HW to Dina's mailbox!
Lecture notes (contributed by Alexander Maryanovsky)
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Additional material:
Recommended reading:
Logic for CS:
V. Sperschneider and G. Antoniou, Logic - a foundation for computer science
Nerode and R. Shore, Logic for applications
S. Reeves and M. Clarke, Logic for computer science
Z. Manna and R. Waldinger, The deductive foundations of computer programming
Burris and Stanley, Logic for mathematics and computer science
Classical texts on Mathematical Logic:
Herbert B. Enderton, A mathematical introduction to logic (2-nd edition)
D. Van Dalen, Logic and structure (3-rd edition)
E. Mendelson, Introduction to mathematical logic
J.R. Shoenfield, Mathematical logic
H. Ebbinghous, J. Flum and W. Thomas, Mathematical logic
J. Barwise ed., Handbook of mathematical logic
D. Gabbay and F. Guenther ed., Handbook of philosofical logic
D. Gabbay ed.,Handbook of logic in computer science
D. Gabbay et al ed., Handbook of AI and logic programming
Useful Links:
Dictionary of logical terms by Udi Boker