Welcome to DiscoPygal's documentation! ====================================== DiscoPygal is a suite of tools that allow for rapid development and experimentation with motion planning in 2D environment. .. toctree:: :caption: Tutorials tutorials/getting_started tutorials/using_discopygal tutorials/using_tools tutorials/cgalpy tutorials/developers_info Modules and API =============== Here is a list of the modules in DiscoPygal, and also their documentation. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :caption: Modules code/bindings code/experiments code/geometry_utils/geometry_utils code/gui/gui code/solvers/solvers Tools ===== Here is the documentation related to the tools included in Discopygal .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :caption: Tools code/solver_viewer Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`