Additional information for developers ===================================== .. _developers_installation: Installation method for developers ---------------------------------- Clone the repository of discopygal (or use a ZIP of it) and enter it:: git clone cd dicsopygal Automatically with Pipenv ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After pipenv is installed: Install the virtual environment: .. code-block:: pipenv install To use a specific Python version use the command:: pipenv install --python For purposes of developing the repo, like building docs or packages, install with the command:: pipenv install --dev To activate environment to run discopygal run:: pipenv shell Installing manually ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #. Install CGALPY Can be done simply with the command:: pip install git+ (The full installation guide can be found here: #. Install additional packages using pip according to received errors #. Build (and install) the whl file, run the following in cmd/bash: .. code-block:: pip install build python ./scripts/ pip install dist/discopygal-taucgl--py3-none-any.whl You can make sure that the code works correctly by running the unit tests: .. code-block:: python -m unittest