Computer Programming (12) - C Preprocessor, Memory Allocation


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the C Preprocessor

the C Preprocessor syntax

file inclusion

the difference between the <> and ""

what should you put in header files?

what should you put in header files?

using a third-party library

macro definition and substitution

macro name and replacement text

macro use

macro definition and substitution syntax

macro evaluation

macros which look like little functions

conditional compilation

other directives

conditional compilation is useful


conditional compilation is useful

allocating memory with malloc

memory allocation

managing allocated memory

allocating memory for charcters

allocating memory for integers

accesing allocated memory

verifying allocated memory

freeing memory

recycling memory

avoid misusing pointer to dealocated memory

keeping track

reallocating memory blocks



pointer safety

be careful when pointing to arrays

be most careful when allocating memory dynamically

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Maintained by Efi Fogel. Last modified: August 20 2003.