Computer Programming (9) - Arrays


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last week…

also last week…


what is an array?


scores example

how can we do that?

so look at this example

array declaration

array declarations


more about initialization

but what does this do?

what can we do with arrays?

array elements

subscript expression

address of first element

The Rule


our story so far…

array recap: array declarations

array recap: array definitions

array declaration examples

array recap: using arrays

array recap: subscript expression

array recap: subscript expression

subscript expression examples

array recap: array name as pointer

so now back to our example

passing arrays

passing arrays

functions with array arguments

arrays and pointers

say what?

pointers again

pointer arithmetic

pointer addition

the logic of pointer addition

pointer addition and array indexing

pointer addition and array indexing

some more details of pointer addition

back to that locker analogy

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Maintained by Efi Fogel. Last modified: January 25 2003.