CGAL 5.2 - 2D Arrangements
Geometry Traits Concepts


class  ArrangementApproximateTraits_2

The concept ArrangementApproximateTraits_2 refines the basic traits concept ArrangementBasicTraits_2. A model of this concept is able to approximate a point. More...
class  ArrangementBasicTraits_2
 The concept ArrangementBasicTraits_2 defines the minimal set of geometric predicates needed for the construction and maintenance of objects of the class Arrangement_2, as well as performing simple queries (such as point-location queries) on such arrangements. More...
class  ArrangementBottomSideTraits_2
ArrangementBottomSideTraits_2 is an abstract concept. It generalizes all concepts that handle curves that either reach or approach the bottom boundary side of the parameter space. More...
class  ArrangementClosedBottomTraits_2
A model of the concept ArrangementClosedBottomTraits_2 must be used when the parameter space of the surface, the arrangement is embedded on, is closed on the left side and curves inserted into the arrangement are expected to reach this boundary side. A model of this concept can handle curves that reach the left boundary side when it is closed. More...
class  ArrangementVerticalSideTraits_2
 ArrangementClosedIdentifiedVerticalTraits_2 is an abstract concept. It generalizes the concepts ArrangementClosedLeftTraits_2, ArrangementClosedRightTraits_2, ArrangementIdentifiedLeftTraits_2 and ArrangementIdentifiedRightTraits_2. More...
class  ArrangementClosedLeftTraits_2
A model of the concept ArrangementClosedLeftTraits_2 must be used when the parameter space of the surface, the arrangement is embedded on, is closed on the left side and curves inserted into the arrangement are expected to reach this boundary side. A model of this concept can handle curves that reach the left boundary side when it is closed. More...
class  ArrangementClosedRightTraits_2
A model of the concept ArrangementClosedRightTraits_2 must be used when the parameter space of the surface, the arrangement is embedded on, is closed on the right side and curves inserted into the arrangement are expected to reach this boundary side. A model of this concept can handle curves that reach the right boundary side when it is closed. More...
class  ArrangementClosedTopTraits_2
A model of the concept ArrangementClosedTopTraits_2 must be used when the parameter space of the surface, the arrangement is embedded on, is closed on the top side and curves inserted into the arrangement are expected to reach this boundary side. A model of this concept can handle curves that reach the top boundary side when it is closed. More...
class  ArrangementConstructXMonotoneCurveTraits_2
 The concept ArrangementConstructXMonotoneCurveTraits_2 refines the basic traits concept ArrangementBasicTraits_2. A model of this concept is able to construct an \( x\)-monotone curve from two points. More...
class  ArrangementContractedBottomTraits_2
A model of the concept ArrangementContractedBottomTraits_2 must be used when the parameter space of the surface, the arrangement is embedded on, is contracted on the bottom side and curves inserted into the arrangement are expected to reach this boundary side. A model of this concept can handle curves that reach the bottom boundary side when it is contracted. More...
class  ArrangementContractedLeftTraits_2
A model of the concept ArrangementContractedLeftTraits_2 must be used when the parameter space of the surface, the arrangement is embedded on, is contracted on the left side and curves inserted into the arrangement are expected to reach this boundary side. A model of this concept can handle curves that reach the left boundary side when it is contracted. More...
class  ArrangementContractedRightTraits_2
A model of the concept ArrangementContractedRightTraits_2 must be used when the parameter space of the surface, the arrangement is embedded on, is contracted on the right side and curves inserted into the arrangement are expected to reach this boundary side. A model of this concept can handle curves that reach the right boundary side when it is contracted. More...
class  ArrangementContractedTopTraits_2
A model of the concept ArrangementContractedTopTraits_2 must be used when the parameter space of the surface, the arrangement is embedded on, is contracted on the top side and curves inserted into the arrangement are expected to reach this boundary side. A model of this concept can handle curves that reach the top boundary side when it is contracted. More...
class  ArrangementHorizontalSideTraits_2
 ArrangementHorizontalSideTraits_2 is an abstract concept. It generalizes all concepts that handle curves that either reach or approach either the bottom or top sizeds of the boundary of the parameter space. More...
class  ArrangementIdentifiedBottomTraits_2
A model of the concept ArrangementIdentifiedBottomTraits_2 must be used when the parameter space of the surface, the arrangement is embedded on, is identified on the bottom side and curves inserted into the arrangement are expected to reach this boundary side. A model of this concept can handle curves that reach the bottom boundary side when it is identified. More...
class  ArrangementIdentifiedHorizontalTraits_2
 A model of the concept ArrangementIdentifiedHorizontalTraits_2 must be used when the parameter space of the surface, the arrangement is embedded on, is identified on the bottom and top sides and curves inserted into the arrangement are expected to reach these boundary sides. More...
class  ArrangementIdentifiedLeftTraits_2
A model of the concept ArrangementIdentifiedLeftTraits_2 must be used when the parameter space of the surface, the arrangement is embedded on, is identified on the left side and curves inserted into the arrangement are expected to reach this boundary side. A model of this concept can handle curves that reach the left boundary side when it is identified. More...
class  ArrangementIdentifiedRightTraits_2
 A model of the concept ArrangementIdentifiedRightTraits_2 must be used when the parameter space of the surface, the arrangement is embedded on, is identified on the right side and curves inserted into the arrangement are expected to reach this boundary side. A model of this concept can handle curves that reach the right boundary side when it is identified. More...
class  ArrangementIdentifiedTopTraits_2
A model of the concept ArrangementIdentifiedTopTraits_2 must be used when the parameter space of the surface, the arrangement is embedded on, is identified on the top side and curves inserted into the arrangement are expected to reach this boundary side. A model of this concept can handle curves that reach the top boundary side when it is identified. More...
class  ArrangementIdentifiedVerticalTraits_2
 A model of the concept ArrangementIdentifiedVerticalTraits_2 must be used when the parameter space of the surface, the arrangement is embedded on, is identified on the left and right sides and curves inserted into the arrangement are expected to reach these boundary sides. More...
class  ArrangementLandmarkTraits_2
 The concept ArrangementLandmarkTraits_2 refines the traits concepts ArrangementApproximateTraits_2 and ArrangementConstructXMonotoneCurveTraits_2. The type of an arrangement associated with the landmark point-location strategy (see CGAL::Arr_landmarks_point_location) must be an instance of the CGAL::Arrangement_2<Traits,Dcel> class template, where the Traits parameter is substituted with a model of this concept. More...
class  ArrangementLeftSideTraits_2
ArrangementLeftSideTraits_2 is an abstract concept. It generalizes all concepts that handle curves that either reach or approach the left boundary side of the parameter space. More...
class  ArrangementOpenBottomTraits_2
A model of the concept ArrangementOpenBottomTraits_2 must be used when the parameter space of the surface, the arrangement is embedded on, is open on the bottom side and curves inserted into the arrangement are expected to reach this boundary side. A model of this concept can handle curves that reach the bottom boundary side when it is open. More...
class  ArrangementOpenBoundaryTraits_2
 Several predicates are required to handle \( x\)-monotone curves that approach infinity and thus approach the boundary of the parameter space. These predicates are sufficient to handle not only curves embedded in an unbounded parameter space, but also curves embedded in a bounded parameter space with open boundaries. Models of the concept ArrangementOpenBoundaryTraits_2 handle curves that approach the boundary of a parameter space. This concept refines the concept ArrangementBasicTraits_2. The arrangement template instantiated with a traits class that models this concept can handle \( x\)-monotone curves that are unbounded in any direction. The concept ArrangementOpenBoundaryTraits_2, nontheless, also supports planar \( x\)-monotone curves that reach the boundary of an open yet bounded parameter space. More...
class  ArrangementOpenLeftTraits_2
A model of the concept ArrangementOpenLeftTraits_2 must be used when the parameter space of the surface, the arrangement is embedded on, is open on the left side and curves inserted into the arrangement are expected to reach this boundary side. A model of this concept can handle curves that reach the left boundary side when it is open. More...
class  ArrangementOpenRightTraits_2
A model of the concept ArrangementOpenRightTraits_2 must be used when the parameter space of the surface, the arrangement is embedded on, is open on the right side and curves inserted into the arrangement are expected to reach this boundary side. A model of this concept can handle curves that reach the right boundary side when it is open. More...
class  ArrangementOpenTopTraits_2
A model of the concept ArrangementOpenTopTraits_2 must be used when the parameter space of the surface, the arrangement is embedded on, is open on the top side and curves inserted into the arrangement are expected to reach this boundary side. A model of this concept can handle curves that reach the top boundary side when it is open. More...
class  ArrangementRightSideTraits_2
ArrangementRightSideTraits_2 is an abstract concept. It generalizes all concepts that handle curves that either reach or approach the right boundary side of the parameter space. More...
class  ArrangementSphericalBoundaryTraits_2
Models of the concept ArrangementSphericalBoundaryTraits_2 handle curves on a sphere or a surface that is topological equivalent to a sphere. The sphere is oriented in such a way that the boundary of the rectangular parameter space, the sphere is the mapping of which, is identified on the left and right sides and contracted at the top and bottom sides. In other words, More...
class  ArrangementTopSideTraits_2
ArrangementTopSideTraits_2 is an abstract concept. It generalizes all concepts that handle curves that either reach or approach the top boundary side of the parameter space. More...
class  ArrangementTraits_2
The concept ArrangementTraits_2 allows the construction of arrangement of general planar curves. Models of this concept are used by the free CGAL::insert() functions of the arrangement package and by the CGAL::Arrangement_with_history_2 class. More...
class  ArrangementXMonotoneTraits_2
The concept ArrangementXMonotoneTraits_2 refines the basic arrangement-traits concept. A model of this concept is able to handle \( x\)-monotone curves that intersect in their interior (and points that coincide with curve interiors). This is necessary for constructing arrangements of sets of intersecting \( x\)-monotone curves. More...
class  OverlayTraits
A model for the OverlayTraits should be able to operate on records (namely, vertices, halfedges and faces) of two input Dcel classes, named Dcel_A and Dcel_B, and construct the records of an output Dcel class, referred to as Dcel_R. More...