CGAL 5.2 - 2D Minkowski Sums


class  PolygonConvexDecomposition_2
A model of the PolygonConvexDecomposition_2 concept is capable of decomposing an input polygon \( P\) into a set of convex sub-polygons \( P_1, \ldots, P_k\), such that \( \cup_{i=1}^{k}{P_k} = P\). More...
class  PolygonWithHolesConvexDecomposition_2
A model of the PolygonWithHolesConvexDecomposition_2 concept is capable of decomposing an input polygon \( P\), which may have holes, into a set of convex sub-polygons \( P_1, \ldots, P_k\), such that \( \cup_{i=1}^{k}{P_k} = P\). More...