Optimal Algorithms for Separating a Polyhedron from its Single-Part Mold.
, Volume 3, Issue 1, pages 7:1–7:19, 2024.
Area Optimal Polygonization Using Simulated Annealing.
, Volume 27, Article No. 2.3, pages 1–17, 2022.
CGAL Made More Accessible.
, abs/2202.13889, 2022.
Optimized Synthesis of Snapping Fixtures.
, Volume 17 of SPAR, pages 143–158, 2021.
Exact Minkowski Sums of Polygons With Holes.
, Volume 9294 of LNCS, pages 71–82, 2015.
, Volume 73, pages 46–56, 2018.
The computational geometry algorithms library CGAL.
, Volume 47, Issue 3/4, pages 85–87, 2013.
, Volume 49, Issue 1, pages 10–12, 2015.
CGAL Arrangements and Their Applications—A Step-by-Step Guide.
Part of the book series: Geometry and Computing (GC, volume 7), Springer, 2012.
Lines Through Segments in 3D Space.
In Proceedings of the 28th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG), pages 113–116, 2012.
, Volume 7501 of LNCS, pages 455–466, 2012.
Fast and Robust Retrieval of Minkowski Sums of Rotating Polytopes in 3-Space.
, pages 1–10, Haifa, Israel, 2010.
, Volume 40, Issue 10, pages 1258–1269, 2011.
Minkowski Sum Construction and other Applications of Arrangements of Geodesic Arcs on the Sphere.
Ph.D. thesis, the Blavatnik School of Computer Science, Tel Aviv University, 2009.
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Arrangements on Parametric Surfaces I: General Framework and Infrastructure.
, Volume 4, Issue 1, pages 45–66, 2010.
Arrangements on Parametric Surfaces II: Concretizations and Applications.
, Volume 4, Issue 1, pages 67–91, 2010.
Polyhedral Assembly Partitioning with Infinite Translations or The Importance of Being Exact.
, Volume 57 of SPAR, pages 417–432, Guanajuato, Mexico, 2009.
, Volume 10, Issue 2, pages 227–241, 2013.
Movie: Arrangements of Geodesic Arcs on the Sphere.
, pages 382–383, College Park, MD, USA, 2008.
[mp4 22MB]
Exact Implementation of Arrangements of Geodesic Arcs on the Sphere with Applications.
, pages 83–86, Nancy, 2008.
Sweeping and Maintaining Two-Dimensional Arrangements on Surfaces: A First Step.
, Volume 4698 of LNCS, pages 645–656, Eilat, Israel, 2007.
Sweeping and Maintaining Two-Dimensional Arrangements on Surfaces.
, pages 223–226, Graz, 2007.
On the Exact Maximum Complexity of Minkowski Sums of Convex Polyhedra.
, Springer New York, Volume 42, Issue 4, pages 654–669, 2009.
, pages 319–326, Gyeongju, South Korea, 2007.
, pages 38–41, Graz, 2007.
Arrangements in Effective Computational Geometry for Curves and Surfaces.
Jean-Daniel Boissonnat and Monique Teillaud (eds.),
Springer, Mathematics and Visualization series, Chapter 1, pages 1–66, 2007.
Generic Programming and the CGAL Library in Effective Computational Geometry for Curves and Surfaces.
Jean-Daniel Boissonnat and Monique Teillaud (eds.),
Springer, Mathematics and Visualization series, Chapter 8, pages 313–320, 2007.
Exact and Efficient Construction of Minkowski Sums of Convex Polyhedra with Applications.
, Miami, 2006.
, Volume 39, Issue 11, pages 929–940, 2007.
Advanced Programming Techniques Applied to CGAL's Arrangement Package.
Proceedings of the Library-Centric Software Design (OOPSLA), San Diego, 2005.
, Volume 38 (1-2), pages 37–63, 2007.
Movie: Exact Minkowski sums of Convex Polyhedra.
, pages 382–383, Piza, 2005.
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Code Flexibility and Program Efficiency by Genericity: Improving CGAL's Arrangements.
, Volume 3221 of LNCS, pages 664–676, Bergen, Norway, 2004.
An empirical comparison of software for constructing arrangements of curved arcs (preliminary version).
, Tel Aviv University, 2004.
Testbed implementations of exact and approximate algorithms.
, FUB, Germany, 2004.
Specification of the traits classes for CGAL arrangements of curves.
, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, 2003.
Movie: Exact Minkowski sums and applications.
, pages 273–274, Barcelona, 2002.
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A Web Architecture for progressive delivery of 3D content.
Web3D 2001, pages 35–41, Paderborn, Germany.
A Code Motion Technique for Scheduling Bottleneck Resources.
Microarchitecture 1999, Haifa, Israel.