All Distance Sketch  0.1
All distance sketch based algorithms

Examples on how to use CalculateReverseRank functions

Calculate node id 3 ranks. The vector ranking will hold how each node i in the graph
ranks node 3. If a there is no path between i to 3 then the value would be
using namespace all_distance_sketch;
template <class T>
void calculate_reverse_rank(graph::Graph<T>* graph) {
GraphSketch graph_sketch;
int k = 64;
graph_sketch.InitGraphSketch(64, graph->GetMxNId());
CalculateGraphSketch<T>(graph, &graphAds);
int node_id = 3;
std::vector<int> ranking;
// Drop line to help doc tagging
For advanced use you can use the call back class.
I will show how to find only the nodes that rank 3 in their top 100.
This is the prototype of the call back class which we can use
to extend to our needs. Since the function only takes a template
argument there is no need for inheritance.
template<class T>
class DefaultReverseRankCallBacks {
inline void Started(int source_node_id, graph::Graph<T>* graph) { return; }
inline void NodePopedFromHeap(int poped_node_id, const RankData& heap_value) { return; }
inline bool ShouldPrune(int visited_node_id, const RankData& rank_data) { return false; }
inline bool ShouldStop() { return false; }
inline void RelaxedPath(int node_id) { }
Build a class that will collect all ranks <= 100 and
tell the algorithm to stop once he reaches nodes with rank 100.
template<class T>
class StopAfterReverseRankCallBacks {
// New init function
inline void InitStopAfterReverseRankCallBacks(int stop_after_rank) {
_stop_rank = stop_after_rank;
inline void Started(int source_node_id, graph::Graph<T>* graph) { return; }
// Collect the node only if its rank is <= _stop_rank
inline void NodePopedFromHeap(int poped_node_id, const RankData& heap_value) {
if (heap_value.rank <= _stop_rank) {
ranks[poped_node_id] = heap_value.rank;
// Prune all nodes with rank > _stop_rank
inline bool ShouldPrune(int visited_node_id, const RankData& rank_data) {
return rank_data.rank > _stop_rank;
inline bool ShouldStop() { return false; }
inline void RelaxedPath(int node_id) { }
const std::unordered_map<int, int>& get_ranks() {
return ranks;
int _stop_rank;
std::unordered_map<int, int> ranks;
void calculate_reverse_rank_up_to_100() {
// Load the graph
graph.LoadGraphFromDir("path to data");
GraphSketch graph_sketch;
int k = 64;
graph_sketch.InitGraphSketch(k, graph.GetMxNId());
CalculateGraphSketch<graph::TUnDirectedGraph>(&graph, &graph_sketch);
int node_id = 3;
std::vector<int> ranking;
// Drop line to help doc tagging
StopAfterReverseRankCallBacks<graph::TUnDirectedGraph> stop_after_100;
<graph::TUnDirectedGraph, StopAfterReverseRankCallBacks<graph::TUnDirectedGraph> >
for (auto node_rank : stop_after_100.get_ranks()) {
EXPECT_TRUE(node_rank.second <= 100);
std::cout << "node id=" << node_rank.first << " rank=" << node_rank.second << std::endl;