All Distance Sketch  0.1
All distance sketch based algorithms

Examples on how to use TSkim

using namespace all_distance_sketch;
Calculate TSkim and iterate the result cover
void calculate_t_skim_cover(graph::Graph< graph::TDirectedGraph >* graph) {
Cover cover;
// Drop line to help tagging
< graph::TDirectedGraph > t_skim_algo;
int T = 100;
int K_all_distance_sketch=128;
int min_influence_for_seed=500;
t_skim_algo.InitTSkim(T, K_all_distance_sketch, min_influence_for_seed, &cover, graph);
for (auto it = cover.Begin(); it != cover.End(); ++it) {
std::cout << " node id of seed=" << it->second.seed <<
" was selected at the " << it->second.index << std::endl;
for (int i=0; i < it->second.covered_nodes.size(); i++) {
int node_id = it->second.covered_nodes[i];
std::cout << " node id=" << node_id <<
" is covered by=" << it->second.seed << std::endl;
void save_t_skim_to_gpb(graph::Graph<graph::TDirectedGraph>* graph, std::string output_file) {
Cover cover;
t_skim_algo_directed.InitTSkim(T, K, min_influence_for_seed_set, &cover, graph);
CoverGpb coverGpb;
fstream output(output_file, ios::out | ios::trunc | ios::binary);
if (!coverGpb.SerializeToOstream(&output)) {
cerr << "Failed to write node_ranks to file=" << output_file << endl;
return 1;
void load_t_skim_from_gpb(const CoverGpb& coverGpb) {
Cover cover;