All Distance Sketch  0.1
All distance sketch based algorithms

Integrating with your code

To use the package in your code you must include ${ADS_DEST}/include/all_distance_sketch.h and link with ${ADS_DEST}/lib/liball_distance_sketch.a

Compiling your_code.cpp:

>g++ --std=c++11  your_code.cpp -I${SNAP_DEST}/snap-adv/ -I${SNAP_DEST}/snap-core/ -I${SNAP_DEST}/snap-exp/ -I${SNAP_DEST}/glib-core/  ${ADS_DEST}/lib/liball_distance_sketch.a ${SNAP_DEST}/snap-core/Snap.o  -o your_code

Using as command line app

You can run the algorithms as apps. When building the pakcage the apps will be located in the ${ADS_DEST}/bin. run –help to see the options that each such app can take. The application that calculates the all distance sketch:

>./bin/sketch_app --help
Usage: options_description [options]
Allowed options:
  --help                 produce help message
  --K arg                K = 1/epsilon^2 sets the precision
  --num_threads arg (=1) num_threads to use
  --directed arg         is the graph directed
  --graph_dir arg        Directory with the graph to calculate the sketch on
  --output_file arg      output file path pattern, here the sketch Gpb will be saved with the 
                         prefix entered and suffix _[%d] 
                         (Gpb defined in src/proto/all_distance_sketch.proto)

App for calculating the reverse ranks of a single node.

>bin/reverse_rank_app --help
    Allowed options:
  --help                 produce help message
  --source_id arg        id of source node
  --K arg                K = 1/epsilon^2 sets the precision
  --num_threads arg (=1) num_threads to use
  --directed arg         is the graph directed
  --graph_dir arg        Directory with the graph to calculate the sketch on
  --sketch_file arg      File prefix with the calculated sketch. The prefix should match what you entered in the sketch_app 
  --output_file arg      output file path, here the sketch Gpb will be saved 
                         (Gpb defined in src/proto/all_distance_sketch.proto)

App for calculating the exact reverse rank greedy cover.

>bin/t_skim_exact_app --help
    Allowed options:
  --help                produce help message
  --T arg               Defines the influence of a node. If pi_{us} < T then s 
                        coveres u
  --directed arg        is the graph directed
  --graph_dir arg       Directory with the graph to calculate the sketch on
  --output_file arg     output file path, here the cover will be saved in Gpb 
                        format (Gpb defined in src/proto/cover.proto)

App for calculating the approximate reverse rank greedy cover using TSkim.

>bin/t_skim_reverse_rank_app --help
    Usage: options_description [options]
    Allowed options:
  --help                           produce help message
  --T arg                          Defines the influence of a node. If pi_{us} 
                                   < T then s coveres u
  --K arg                          K = 1/epsilon^2 sets the precision (Only relevant if you don't provide sketch_file option)
  --num_threads arg (=1)           num_threads to use (Only relevant if you don't provide sketch_file option)
  --min_influence_for_seed_set arg min influence to enter to the seed set
  --directed arg                   is the graph directed
  --graph_dir arg                  Directory with the graph to calculate the 
                                   sketch on
  --sketch_file arg                File prefix with the calculated sketch. The prefix should match what you entered in the sketch_app
  --output_file arg                output file path, here the cover will be 
                                   saved in Gpb format (Gpb defined in 