Computer Networking Seminar
School of Computer Science
Tel-Aviv University
2005/6 Semester B, Thursday, 10:30
Coordinator: Prof. Hanoch Levy and Prof. Yishay Mansour
Schedule of Talks
16/03/06: Moshe Haviv, Hebrew University.
Title: Queueing Games
Copies of slides
23/3/06: Meir Herzberg , ECI Telecom.
Origin-Destination (OD) Cycles in Multi-domain, Multi-service
Survivable Networks
30/3/06: Emmanuelle Lebhar, LIP - ENS Lyon (Lyon, France)
A doubling dimension threshold $\Theta(\log\log n)$ for augmented graphs navigability
6/4/06: Danny Hendler, Technion
Tight Time Lower Bound for Distributed Counting and Related
27/04/06: INFOCOM - No meeting
4/05/06: David Raz, CS, Tel-Aviv Univ.
Locality of Reference and the Use of Waiting Time Variance for Measuring
Queue Unfairness
11/05/06: Yoram Ofek,
University of Trento - Department of Information and Communication Technology
Scalable Switching: Design, Analysis and Implementation
18/05/06: No seminar. Workshop on Networks, Queues, Perfrmance & Stochastic Modeling (honoring the retirement of Uri Yechiali) - Shefayim.
25/05/06: Eran Shir, EE, TAU
Distributive immunization of networks against viruses using the
'honey-pot' architecture
8/06/06: Anat Bremler-Barr, IDC
Bringing Order to BGP: Decreasing Time and Message Complexity
15/06/06 (at 10:00) : Liam Rodity
On Nash Equilibria for a Network Creation Game
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