Data Structures (0368.2158)

1st Semester, 2003/04 -
School of Computer Science
Tel-Aviv University

Messages to Students:

July 7, 2004: Some more exams plus solutions got addded in Good luck!!.


Prof. Hanoch Levy (

Teaching Assistants:

Assaf Shapira (

This page will be modified during the course, and will outline the classes

Text books:

Intoduction to Algorithms, by Cormen, Leiserson and Rivest.
Data Structures and Algorithms, by Aho, Hopcroft and Ullman.
The course follows both books. Recommended purchase - first book (to be used by other courses).

Course syllabus:

The course will deal with data strucutres and their use in the design of efficient algorithms.
Subjects: Growth of functions and asymptotic notation; amortized analysis; recurrences: the substitution, master, and iteration methods; elementary strucutres: lists, stacks, queues; trees: ordered trees, binary trees, labeled trees and expression trees; set representation and manipulation; dictionary and hash tables.

Tentative course outline. The actual order of the classes differs from this outline. The actual material may vary as well.

For a list of actual material covered so far click here
Copies of slides to be shown at during the semester:
File5 , File5-new
File6 , File6-new
RedBlack_tree , RedBlack-tree-new
Perfect-Hash , Perfect-Hash-new
Splay-tree , Splay-tree--new
Minimium subject-to constraint

Last updated December 1, 2003

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redesigned by barak soreq