Workshop (Sadna):Peer-to-Peer Internet Systems and their Selfish Use (2009/10)
Prof. Hanoch Levy
( hanoch at cs dot tau dot ac dot il )
2nd Semester, 2009/10 - Thursday 10-12, Kaplun 324 . Tirgul 12-3.
School of Computer Science,
Tel-Aviv University
This page will be modified during the course.
First meeting: Thursday 25/2/2010 10-12. Tirgul: 12-3 Location: Kaplun 324.
Messages to Students:
Updates of Phase 1 requirements are in web site of teaching assistant.
Course Abstract .
Course Description + General requirements. (FOR UPDATED requirements and schedule -- please see site of teaching-assistant)
Link to Teaching Assistant Course Site
Copies of Slides (to be updated):
Introduction (TBD)
Layered Protocol Structure (2004 slides ).
P2P Basics (TBD).
References :
Last updated 12 March 2010