When: Tue, 13-16
Where: Dan David 203
Lecturer: Jonathan Berant
Grader: Dor Muhlgay dormuhlg at mail dot tau etc
Office hours: Coordinate by e-mail
Forum: Moodle
Natural Language Processing (NLP) aims to develop methods for processing, analyzing and understanding natural language. The goal of this class is to provide a thorough overview of modern methods in the field of Natural Language Processing. The class will not assume prior knowledge in NLP, and will mostly focus on methods from structured prediction and deep learning.
Machine learning is a prerequisite for this class. If you want to attend and did not take any machine learning class or something equivalent you may join the class given my approval (update: since the class is full this is becoming less likely). Proficiency in programming is required. Some assignments will require python, while in others you can choose whatever programming language you feel comfortable with.