Milestones·        Group formation 14/11/2011 ·        A baseline agent implementation has to be completed until 26/12/2011 ·        A design specification document has to be submitted by 10/1/2012, to be presented in class on 22/1/2012 ·        The deadline for the final submission is 15/4/2012 (both software and project report)  Baseline Implementation
1.   Java source of a class implementing the FourInARow Interface (as illustrated in the Architecture section) and any other software used to implement the baseline agent, accompanied with build instructions. Note: non-Java portions of the implementation are allowed, as long as built using a freely available toolset and accompanied with detailed build instructions. 2.     Executable playing agent (jar), accompanied with execution instructions.   Design specification document
1.     Learning method: algorithm to be used (Q-Learning, MinMax, etc') and related mechanisms/data structures. 2.  The game representation - The features intended to be used. 3.     Training/Bootstrapping: The method used to initialize the system, initial opponent, data to be collected, etc'. 4.     High level architecture: main classes, interfaces and relations. 5.  Infrastructure: for debugging and testing Â
            Final Submission
             The Grade Structure
·        The quality of the program: should be at least reasonable! extra points for high performance! ·        Milestones - quality and timely submissions. ·        The ideas and the testing that were tried. ·        An overall impression of the project and the project report. ·     We will hold a competition between the projects!!!  |