You will probably need to include figures in your notes. The way to include a figure is with the figure environment:
\begin{figure} \vspace{1.5in} \caption{This is the caption} \end
This will produce Figure 1 in this document. LATEX will move figures around to where it sees fit, which is not always what you want. You can force them to the top or bottom by including [t] or [b] at the end of the first line. (See the template file for information on drawing pictures with latex. -Isaac)
Two other useful tasks to be accomplished here are defining new commands and theorem-like environments.
Theorem-like environments enable you to format lemmas, theorems, conjectures, in nice form such as this:
\newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}and then placing in the text:
\begin{theorem} This is where the statement of the theorem goes. \end{theorem}(All of this is provided in the template file so that the notes look uniform.)