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Choosing a project

To choose a project you could look at various reinforcement learning resources (some of the pointers can be found from the course home page). At this time you should have a project already.

Approving a project

You should meet with me (briefly) and approve the project you choose. After your project is approved, you should hand in a page with your name and project.

Completing the project

You have one month to complete the project.

Final report on the project

You should write a report about your project. The report should be in html format, so that we can link all the projects to the course home page. In writing your report remember to do the following.

Give an introduction to the project and explain it.
Relate the project to reinforcement learning and to the material studied in the course.
When relevant, mention existing literature and background material.
When relevant, report on the experiments that you did and discuss their results.
Give a conclusion and summary section.

In case you are doing programing it would be nice (although not mandatory) if you can do it in Java and incorporate using an up-let.

Handing in the project

You should do the following:

Send me e-mail with the html address of the final report.
Set up a meeting with me to discuss the project.

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Yishay Mansour