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MDP description

The discount factor is set to $\lambda = 1$.
Immediate rewards:
In non-terminal states the immediate rewards are equal to 0.
In a winning terminal state the immediate reward equals 1.
In a losing terminal state the immediate reward equals 0.
I.e. the TD has a difference of V(st+1) - V(st) for all non-terminal states. In every move the parameters are changed in the direction of the TD. Generally, assume we have a function F(s,r) = Vr(s) ,which gives each state s a value according to r (r is actually a program which gets a state s as an input). We will update $\overrightarrow{r}$ by the derivative of Vr(s) according to $\overrightarrow{r}$. I.e. according to the vector $[\frac{\partial}{\partial r_{1}}V_{r}(s),\ldots
,\frac{\partial}{\partial r_{k}}V_{r}(s)]$. Updating $\overrightarrow{r}$ in this direction will hopefully change the value of Vr(s) in the "right" direction. TD tries to minimize the difference between two succeeding states: assuming that Vr(st+1) > Vr(st), we would like to "strengthen" the weight of the action taken, and update in the direction of $[V_{r}(s_{t+1}) - V_{r}(s_{t})]\nabla_{\overrightarrow{r}}
V_{t}(s_{t})$ For example, if r is a table: $\overrightarrow{r} =
(r_{1},\ldots, r_{k})$, then $\nabla_{\overrightarrow{r}} V_{r}(s)
= (0, 0,\ldots, 1, 0,\ldots, 0)$, and the update will occur only in the s'th entry of r. TD Gammon updates $\overrightarrow{r}$ while running the system, where the current policy is the greedy policy with respect to the function Vr(s). Specifically, $\overrightarrow{r_{t+1}} = \overrightarrow{r_{t}} +
\alpha[V_{t}(s_{t+1}) - V_{t}(s_{t})]\cdot\overrightarrow{e_{t}}$, where $\overrightarrow{e_{t}} =
\gamma\lambda\overrightarrow{e_{t-1}} +
\nabla_{\overrightarrow{r_{t}}}V_{t}(s_{t})$ TD-Gammon simply "learns" by playing against itself, i.e it updated $\overrightarrow{r_{t}}$ while playing against itself. After about 300,000 games the system achieved a very good playing skill (equivalent to other backgammon playing programs).
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Yishay Mansour