When we have a large state space and we can not compute V(s,r), we would like to build an approximation function
be the minimal distance between
and V*.
(It is clear that
is the upper bound for any approximation algorithm.(If
is large, we can not expect a good approximation regardless the learning process.) We will show later error bounds of the form:
Theses bounds might seem disappointing, since when
our bound diverges. On the other hand if we enrich our architecture (enlarge the family of r)
and when
is a constant the bound will go to 0.
If we approximate
Q*(s,a) by
the greedy policy
If we have
then the greedy policy
We have to approximate
so we have additional errors due to approximation too.
If we have only a few states S', than we compute the expectation exactly, otherwise we will approximate it by taking samples.
We will get a stochastic policy since every time we get different sample and we may decide a different action, unlike the case of
where we get deterministic policy.
The next theorem relates errors on the value function to differences in the return.
Theorem 11.1
Consider a discounted problem, with parameter .
If V satisfies
is a greedy policy based on V, then
Furthermore there exists
s.t for every
the policy
is the optimal policy.
Consider the operators,
This implies that,
For the second part,
Since we have finite number of policies, then there exist