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Policy Sampling
The conclusion from the above equivalence is that if we can compute
then we
able to "transform"
samples from distribution D1 to samples in distribution D2.
We produce
of policy
each sample(Tj) is a run on the model using policy
Tj = s1,a1,r1,s2,a2,r2...
The probability of generating Tj is actually a product of two independent
a policy depeneded probablity on actions and a model depended probability.
Prob[Tj] =
We calculte the ratio of probabilites to have the same Tj on differnt policies:
The important fact is that the ratio does not depened on the model, but only on
the policies. Therefor we can compute it with out the model.
- policy
- policy
is determinstic.
- because
is determinstic
- Therefor the ratio is a product of X,
- If
is the random policy than we simply have a uniform distribution on the
runs. Consistent with
Yishay Mansour