Computing Iceberg Queries Efficiently
By : Fang, Shivakumar, Garcia-Molina, Motwani, Ullman
Summary written by : Alon Schclar
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    This paper presents efficient ways for executing iceberg queries. An iceberg query computes an aggregate function over an attribute ( or set of attributes) in order to find aggregate values above a specified threshold.
The prototypical iceberg query the paper considers (can be easily extended to the other forms of iceberg queries) is :

    SELECT     attr1, attr2, ..., attrk, COUNT( rest)
    FROM        R
    GROUP BY attr1, attr2, ..., attrk
    HAVING      COUNT( rest) >= T

Where R is a relation that contains attributes attr1, attr2, ..., attrk, rest and T is a threshold.


    Iceberg queries can be found in data warehousing, data mining, information retrieval and copy detection.
To name but a few of its applications :


    Trivial techniques such as :

do not scale to large data sets. Hence, other techniques are needed.
The paper describes new algorithms for processing iceberg queries that can be used on large data sets.

All the algorithms use as building blocks well known techniques such as :

These building blocks produce false positive, values that are considered as candidates for the final solution but do not exceed the threshold.
Sampling also causes false negatives, values that should be in the final answer but are not found as candidates.

The common goal of all the algorithms is to minimize the number of false positives.

They can generally be described using these phases :

    1. Compute a candidate set f using sampling
    2. Execute bucket counting over R with some dependency on f
    3. Select the values that exceed the threshold using another scan of R.

Several optimization methods are presented that use a combination of multiple hash functions and multiple scans over R.


    Using a "case study" approach to evaluate the algorithms empirically, the following conclusion was finalized : Using multiple scans, reduces the number of false positives significantly, but takes more time. Thus, the method that used one less scan was in the overall best, because, not only it produced less false positives, it was also quicker.