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Problem #17

Originator: Roel C. de Vrijer
Date: April 1991

Summary: Is a certain conditional rewrite system, which is a linearization of Combinatory Logic extended with surjective pairing, confluent?

Is the following semi-equational conditional term rewriting system (a linearization of Combinatory Logic extended with surjective pairing) confluent:

x ↔* y ⇒      D(D1x)(D2y)x
x ↔* y ⇒    D(D1x)(D2y)y 

If yes, does an effective normal form strategy exist for it? See [Kd89][dV89].


Roel C. de Vrijer. Extending the lambda calculus with surjective pairing is conservative. In Fourth Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, pages 204–215. IEEE, 1989.
Jan Willem Klop and Roel C. de Vrijer. Unique normal forms for lambda calculus with surjective pairing. Information and Computation, 80:97–113, 1989.

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