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Problem #3 (Solved !)

Originator: Deepak Kapur
Date: April 1991

Summary: What is the complexity of deciding ground-reducibility?

A term t is ground reducible with respect to a rewrite system R if all its ground (variable-free) instances contain a redex. Ground reducibility is decidable for ordinary rewriting (and finite R) [Com88, KNZ87, Pla85], but nnn is the best known upper bound in general, 2d n logn and 2c n/ logn are the best upper and lower bounds, respectively, for left-linear systems, where n is the size of the system R and c,d are constants [KNZ87]. Can these bounds be improved?


Ground-reducibility is EXPTIME-complete [CJ97, CJ03].


Hubert Comon and Florent Jacquemard. Ground reducibility is EXPTIME-complete. In Glynn Winskel, editor, Twelfth Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, pages 26–34, Warsaw, Poland, June 1997. IEEE.
Hubert Comon and Florent Jacquemard. Ground reducibility is EXPTIME-complete. Information and Computation, 187(1):123–153, 2003.
Hubert Comon. Unification et Disunification: Théorie et Applications. PhD thesis, Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, 1988. In French.
Deepak Kapur, Paliath Narendran, and Hantao Zhang. On sufficient completeness and related properties of term rewriting systems. Acta Informatica, 24(4):395–415, August 1987.
David A. Plaisted. Semantic confluence tests and completion methods. Information and Control, 65(2/3):182–215, May/June 1985.

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