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Problem #32

Originator: John Pedersen
Date: April 1991

Summary: Is there a finite term-rewriting system of some kind for free lattices?

Is there a finite term-rewriting system of some kind for free lattices?


As mentioned in a remark to Problem #77, it has been shown in [Fre93] that there is no finite, normal form, associative-commutative term-rewriting system for lattices.

Comment sent by Jordi Levy

Date: Fri Apr 17 20:20:41 MET DST 1998

There are bi-rewriting systems for free lattices and distributive free lattices [LA96]. Bi-rewriting systems are used to automatize deduction in theories with monotonic order relations. They are composed of a pair of rewriting systems. One is used for rewriting terms into smaller terms, and the other for rewriting terms into bigger terms.


R. Freese. personal communication, 1993.
Jordi Levy and Jaume Agustí. Bi-rewriting systems. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 22(3):279–314, September 1996.

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