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Originator: Jean-Claude Raoult
Date: June 1993
Summary: Give a definition of graph transduction that extends rational word transductions.
Graph rewritings, like term or word rewritings, are usually finitely branching. There are relations that are not finitely branching, yet satisfy good properties: rational transductions of words, tree-transductions. A good definition of graph transduction, that extends rational word transductions is still lacking.
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2005 10:20:21 +0100
My notion of monadic second-order transduction of graphs, hypergraphs and relational structures is in my opinion the equivalent of tree and word transductions. However, if a graph is given with a tree-structure, then a transducer can be based on this tree: it can produce an algebraic expression defining, after evaluation, the desired object graph, hypergraph etc...
References: [Cou94, Cou97, CK02]
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