


Cardiac Monitoring

Brain Monitoring

Computational Genomics

Sonar Methods


Computer Systems and Networks of Biomedical sensors










Neural Computation & Signal Processing

Prof. Nathan Intrator

Outside of Academia job opening:  (Please contact me for more information)

Part time biomedical engineer or computer science student: Good knowledge of physiology as well as signal processing.


Below, is a description of several projects which are open for new MSc or PhD students. If you are interested, please contact me regarding these projects or other projects that you would like to discuss.


Cardio/Pulmonary Functionality Inference


The collection of projects are aimed at advancing current state of the art in understanding cardiac functionality and its relation to the sounds emanated from the heart. These projects relay heavily on physiological understanding of the cardio pulmonary system. This is provided by Prof. Noam Gavriely Following algorithms and data manipulations which result from the physiological process, our goal is to provide the necessary machine learning and signal processing algorithms to best reflect the cardiac functionality changes we are mostly interested in. Data for this work comes from healthy subjects as well as patients.


Inference of basic cardiac functionality

It is well known that there are strong interactions between the (somatic) sensory system of the body and its brain activity. In particular, we are interested in the interaction of brain activity under high blood pressure and other cardiac malfunction. We are also interested in the connection between the sensory system and epilepsy.

First step in this project relies on concurrent recording of EEG data and ECG data in epileptic patients.   

Students interested in this project should gain basic knowledge in signal processing, learning machines and physiology and be prepared to spend some of their time in a hospital environment.   All the brain imaging related work are in conjunction with Dr. Talma Hendler the Head of the Brain Imaging Unit at Ichilov Hospital and other colleagues from that unit.


Analysis of Heart Sounds Via HMM

Related work by Ray Watrous. See also presentation by Daniel Gil at my Advanced Seminar, as well as background and publications of Guy Amit also in the advanced seminar page. See also, Alex Weibel TDNN. Outline: Follow speech recognition approach of extracting automatic features, vector quantization, HMM, Segmentation and Clustering.


Brain Imaging


Analysis of Brain Imaging Data in Conjunction with Cardiac Activity

It is well known that there are strong interactions between the (somatic) sensory system of the body and its brain activity. In particular, we are interested in the interaction of brain activity under high blood pressure and other cardiac malfunction. We are also interested in the connection between the sensory system and epilepsy.

First step in this project relies on concurrent recording of EEG data and ECG data in epileptic patients.  

Students interested in this project should gain basic knowledge in signal processing, learning machines and physiology and be prepared to spend some of their time in a hospital environment.   All the brain imaging related work are in conjunction with Dr. Talma Hendler the Head of the Brain Imaging Unit at Ichilov Hospital and other colleagues from that unit.


Analysis of fMRI/EEG data: Emotional Effects

This work is done in collaboration with Dr. Talma Hendler at the Souraski Medical Center (Ichilov), Prof. Itzhak Frid from Tel-Aviv U and UCLA,  and Prof. Eshel Ben Yaakov in Physics. See presentation of Itai Baruchi at my Advanced Seminar.

There are subprojects in signal processing, machine learning and computer vision in this subtopic.


Computational Genomics


Multi-database mining and graph mining algorithms

Current knowledge about genomics and proteomics is expanding rapidly with many databases being created for special purposes. This project will draw information from a collection of different databases, to obtain maximal amount of knowledge of specific genes (or proteins) with respect to their effect on specific processes. The computational questions is to determine those genes which are optimal targets for diagnosis or therapy, namely those genes which participate in  a large number of pathways and processes (simpler problem) and for therapy, those genes which when affected, block a certain pathway completely, with minimal effect on other pathways. This is an NP hard problem which requires development of novel methods.  The work will be in conjunction with leading researches in molecular biologists and biochemistry to address some of the most current biological research questions.  

Requirements: This project is intended for MSc Students in the Bioinformatics program which have also good knowledge in several database mining languages such as Python, knowledge in graph theoretic methods and the specific use of the Graph Boost Library.


Gene Dynamic Network Inference using Bayesian Methods

Related work: Hartemic This project is intended for a MSc student. It intends to continue work done by Omer Berkman on inference from a collection of “weak” Bayesian networks. The inference is obtained on a regularitory network from a (long) time series of Genes (or other markers) activations. In particular, the causal regulation is sought, namely those markers which initiate the regulation of other markers.

A similar causal effects are sought in brain imaging inference, as we are using high resolution imaging (with EEG and MEG). See above.


Seismic Data Analysis

Related work: see presentation by Ido Yariv and Talmor at my Advanced Seminar.

A recent project was started on the infrasound properties of the mole rat and the way it acquires information about the underground environment from infrasound.


Mathematical Properties of the Cross-correlation Function

This is a topic requires some knowledge in large deviation bounds, such as the Barankin bound, and the Ziv Lemple bound. Some overview of the topic appears in Judah’s thesis. The goal is to analyze the properties of the cross correlation function from multiple sonar returns with the purpose of devising an optimal fusion of the information that can be extracted from each of the cross-correlations. A simple paper on this topic is Robust statistics from multiple pings improves noise tolerance in sonar.


Ultrasound Image Enhancement using Multiple Pings

This work relies on the work that we did with enhancement of Sonar images using multiple pings and attempts to apply the same concept for medical ultrasound. It relies on the multiple pings idea (Robust statistics from multiple pings improves noise tolerance in sonar) and robust motion estimation of the ultrasound sensor (Multiple ping sonar accuracy improvement using robust motion estimation and ping fusion). The goal is to achieve a far more accurate ultrasound with less energy for lower damage to the fetus.


Neuronal Optimal Coding

Related work:   Neuronal Goals: Efficient Coding and Coincidence Detection.

A fundamental question in neural computation and computer vision is concerned with the nature of object representations and the nature of representations of relationship between objects. In particular, we depend on the ability to adjust our expectations according to the past context. This suggests that neurons should in addition to detecting features in their input representation, transmit some information about the a-priori probability of occurrence of these features.


High Dimensional Data Representation via Sound

Related work: J. Berger and R. Coifman.

This project is done in collaboration with Miri Segal (PhD in Math and Visual & Audio Artist) and Assaf Talmudi (PhD in Acoustics, and Musician) from the center for Digital Art in Holon.

The idea is to provide acoustic information as an additional aid to visual information and thus extending the number of free dimensions which can be ‘observed’ concurrently. This is important when a lot of information has to be analyzed together, for example a radiologist that has to decide about a malignant tumor, can get additional about a wider spectrum of the target via sound.


Computer Systems and Networks of biomedical sensors


TinyOS and Wireless Body Sensors Network

TinyOS is an open-source operating system designed for wireless embedded sensor networks. It features a component-based architecture which enables rapid development. This OS has become a standard in the recent development of a Wireless Body Sensors Network and tmote sky platform. We shall develop algorithms for real time analysis of ECG using Pluto that is based on tmote sky. This platform can handle up to six different body sensors at a wireless range of 125m.

We shall also develop software and algorithms to embed acoustic sensors into this platform.

A good place to start is a recent PhD Thesis about Tele-Cardiology Sensor Network. Currently such networks are heavily researched at Harvard University and Hospitals in the Boston area under the CodeBlue initiative.

There are also open projects to BioMedical Engineering students in development of some sensors to this platform.


Blue Tooth Communication

Based on the new CSR – BlueVoxFlash device, http://www.csr.com/bluevoxflash/development.htm it is desired to develop a system that can receive sensory input of one to three channels and send to the computer for storage and analysis. Issues related to automatic gain, codec (compression) have to be addressed.