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- The large databases are: Genbank (US), EMBL (Europe - UK), DDBJ (Japan). These databases are quite similar regarding their contents and are updating one another periodically.
This was is a result of the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration .
- Genomic databases: Human (GDB), mouse (MGB), yeast (SGB), etc...
- Special databases:
- ESTs (Expressed Sequence Tags): Short fragments of mRNA samples that were
taken from a variety of tissues and organisms. These samples are amplified and sequenced. The sequencing is done in one read thus ESTs are a non-accurate source of information. There are about 6 million sequenced ESTs (more then 1/3 clonned from human) .
- STSs (Sequence-Tagged Sites): Short genomic samples that serves as a genomic markers.
- HTGS (High Throughput Genomic Sequences): Sequences obtained in the course of sequencing the whole genome. The records of this databases are classified according to their phase 3 towards sequence completion.
Phase 0 - Single-few pass reads of a single clone(not contigs).
Phase 1 - Unfinished, may be unordered, unoriented contigs, with gaps.
Phase 2 - Unfinished, ordered, oriented contigs, with or without gaps.
Phase 3 - Finished, no gaps (with or without annotations).
Next: Database Searching of Proteins
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Previous: What kinds of databases
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