Next: Evaluation of the Technique
Up: Interactive Inference and Experimental
Previous: The Predictor
The chooser procedure takes as its input the L hypothetical
equiprobable networks generated by the predictor. Its goal is to
choose a new perturbation p, from a set of allowed perturbations
P, which best discriminates between the L hypothetical
The following entropy-based algorithm is used for the chooser:
- 1.
- For each perturbation
compute the network state
resulting from p for each of the L networks. A given
perturbation would result in a total of S distinct states over
the L networks
Evaluate the following
entropy score Hp, where ls is the number of networks giving
the state s
as follows:
(1) |
- 2.
- Choose the perturbation p with the maximum score Hp as the next
The entropy measure Hp describes expected gain in information
when performing the perturbation p. The more distinct states the
networks produce, the more information is obtained.
According to the predictor procedure, a network may have the "*"
symbol in its truth table, meaning that any function value is
equally probably for a given node and input. In this case the
chooser randomly assigns either 0 or 1 to to replace the "*". In
addition, when L is large, it may be infeasible to calculate the
entropy for all the hypothetical networks. In this case the
entropy is calculate by Monte-Carlo procedure, over a random
The best perturbation returned by the chooser is then performed on
the network, and the new measured gene expression values are added
to E. A new, narrower set of parsimonious networks is then
inferred by the predictor, and so on. This design process proceeds
iteratively, choosing a new perturbation experiment in each
iteration, until either a single parsimonious network remains (L
= 1), or no perturbation in P can discriminate between any of
the L networks (Hp = 0).
Next: Evaluation of the Technique
Up: Interactive Inference and Experimental
Previous: The Predictor
Peer Itsik