Tel Aviv University School of Computer Science

Fall 2001-2002
Algorithms in Molecular Biology


Ron Shamir

Thursdays 16-19 Schreiber 006

Contact Info:
    Email Phone Office Office Hours
Instructor:  Ron Shamir  rshamir  640-5383 Schreiber 014 By appointment
TA:  Roded Sharan roded  640-5394 Schreiber 011 Sunday 10-11
Class B-board: (Last update: 22.11.01)

Course Outline
This course will discuss algorithms for some important computational problems in Molecular Biology. In particular, we shall study problems that are pertinent to the Human Genome Project and to the so-called "post-Genome era". We shall study exact algorithms for those problems which can be solved efficiently, as well as complexity, approximation algorithms and heuristics for the more difficult problems. We shall concentrate on discrete realistic models for the biological problems. Many biological examples will be presented.

Course Plan (tentative):

Lecture notes taken by scribes will be gradually added here during the semester. A complete set of lecture notes from last year can be found here.

TAU STUDENTS: A complete copy of last year's lecture notes (~380 pp) is available at a nominal cost from Sifrut Zola.


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