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The Construction Algorithm

Initialize a contig set, so that for each clone there is a corresponding contig consisting of that clone.
Calculate Px,y+, and |Sx,y(a,b)| for each pair a,b of contigs.
Calculate for all the initial contig pairs and for the two possible relative orientations their relative placement probabilities vector. The results are stored in a table.
Find for all contig pairs and for their two possible relative orientations their best relative placement, and its probability.
While more than one contig remains:
(a) Find two contigs a,b which have relative orientation and placement that attain the highest probability.
(b) Merge b into a.
(c) Change the table calculated in step 3 to reflect the last merger. Only the table entries for all contig pairs (a,c) need to be changed. The required change is a simple combination of the previous entries for (a,c) and for (b,c).
(d) Find, for contig pairs affected by the merger, their new best relative placement.
Assume that there are n probes and m clones of length d, and the genome has length L. The bottleneck steps in the computation are: Step 5 is repeated m-1 times giving a total complexity of O(m2(L+d+n)).
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Itshack Pe`er