or both.
A global minimization method is a procedure for constructing a sequence {xk} of points in X that converges to a point at which the global minimizor, f*, is attained or approximated. This definition is also true for the reverse problem (finding a global maximizor).
In this example the function F6 has two local maxima - a thin lobed global maximum and a wide lobed local maximum. The problem is to get the search to converge on the global maximum. This was tried twice, with the same algorithm, for alpha's of 0.22 and 0.23 (which have a very similiar graph) and these were the results:
As it can be seen in figure 10, one converged to the sub-optimal peak, and the other to the optimal peak. This means that it is very important to try and guarantee convergence to the global maximum.
In the article it is shown that by limiting the search width according to a predefined schedule, it is possible to guarantee weak convergence.