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o    Freilich, S., Spriggs, R. V., George, R. A., Al-Lazikani, B., Swindells, M. & Thornton, J. M. (2005). The complement of enzymatic sets in different species. J Mol Biol 349, 745-63.
o    Freilich, S., Massingham, T., Bhattacharyya, S., Ponsting, H., Lyons, P. A., Freeman, T. C. & Thornton, J. M. (2005). Relationship between the tissue-specificity of mouse gene expression and the evolutionary origin and function of the proteins. Genome Biology 6.
o    Freilich S., Massingham T., Blanc E., Goldovsky L., Thornton, J. M (2006). Relating tissue specialization to the differentiation of expression of singleton and duplicate mouse proteins. Genome Biology 7.
o    Freeman, T. C., Goldovsky L., Brosch M., Van Dongen S., Maziere P., Athanasios Grocock R. J., Freilich S., Thornton, J. M., & Enright A. J. E. (2007). Construction, visualization and clustering of transcription networks from microarray expression data. PLOS Biology 3:2032-2042.
o    Kamburov A., Goldovsky L., Freilich S., Kapazoglou A., Kunin V., Enright A. J. E., Tsaftaris A., & Ouzounis C. A (2007). Denoising functional networks by domain interaction filtering. BMC Bioinformatics, 8:460.
o    Freilich S, Goldovsky L, Ouzounis CA, Thornton JM: Metabolic innovations towards the human lineage. BMC evolutionary biology 2008, 8:247.
o    Huminiecki L, Goldovsky L, Freilich S, Moustakas A, Ouzounis C, Heldin CH: Emergence, development and diversification of the TGF-beta signalling pathway within the animal kingdom. BMC evolutionary biology 2009, 9:28.
o    Freilich S, Kreimer A, Borenstein E, Yosef N, Sharan R, Gophna U, Ruppin E: Metabolic-network-driven analysis of bacterial ecological strategies. Genome biology 2009, 10(6):R61.
o    Freilich S, Goldovsky L, Gottlieb A, Blanc E, Tsoka S, Ouzounis C: Stratification of co-evolving genomic groups using ranked phylogenetic profiles. BMC Bioinformatics 2009, 10:355.
o    Freilich S, Kreimer A, Borenstein E, Gophna U, Sharan R, Ruppin E: The origins of metabolic network robustness in bacteria. PLoS Computational Biology (accepted). (acepted).
Under review:
o    Freilich S, Kreimer A, Gophna U, Meilijson I, Sharan R, Ruppin E: The large scale organization of the bacterial interactions network (revised for Nucleic Acid Research).